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by Aware

An organization’s control over its Slack data is an important aspect of its information security posture, particularly with Slack changing the data retention period from indefinite to one year for …

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Topics:Slack MessagingData Loss Prevention

by Aware

Data loss prevention (DLP) is a data security methodology designed to identify and safeguard against the unsafe or inappropriate sharing, transfer, or use of sensitive data. A data loss prevention …

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Topics:Microsoft Teams InsightsData Loss Prevention

by Aware

Collaboration tools like Slack have revolutionized modern-day data usage and the policies for handling that data. Gone are the storage rooms lined with banker’s boxes full of paper documents. Now, …

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Topics:Slack MessagingData Loss Prevention

by Aware

Data loss prevention (DLP) policies are safeguards organizations establish to protect sensitive data from unauthorized access or data leaks. They’re intended to ensure the privacy and security of a company’s …

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Topics:Data Loss Prevention

by Aware

Data loss prevention (DLP) is the process of protecting sensitive data from misuse, exfiltration, theft, and loss. DLP strategies involve tracking data through an organization’s network and making sure only …

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Topics:Data Loss Prevention

by Aware

DLP (data loss protection/prevention) is a cybersecurity solution companies use to detect and prevent data breaches. DLP strategies are intended to block the accidental or intentional unauthorized transfer or sharing …

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Topics:Data Loss Prevention

by Aware

Slack is a popular collaboration tool in many workplaces, including 77% of the Fortune 100. However, this popularity introduces risk. Today’s hackers know that Slack is a valuable repository of …

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Topics:Slack MessagingData Loss Prevention

by Aware

Data loss prevention encompasses the tools and processes that protect sensitive, restricted, or regulated company data. DLP software supports these processes by analyzing data-in-place to identify policy violations and block …

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Topics:Data Loss Prevention

by Aware

First Published Nov. 2023. Updated Mar. 2024. Data is one of your organization’s greatest assets and biggest liabilities. Google Workspace provides a comprehensive suite of DLP software to help businesses …

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Topics:Google Drive SecurityData Loss Prevention

by Aware

Slack is at the center of your new workflow, packed with all the sensitive and confidential data your business owns. Here are five potential ways that data could leave your …

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Topics:Slack MessagingData Loss Prevention

by Aware

First Published Aug. 2023. Updated Mar. 2024. Data loss prevention (DLP) tools are essential for modern, online businesses to ensure that sensitive and confidential information is protected from unauthorized access …

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Topics:Enterprise CollaborationData Loss Prevention

by Aware

First Published Aug. 2023. Updated Mar. 2024. Meta Workplace is shutting down on August 31, 2025. Learn what you can do to prepare for a successful transition. Anywhere your employees …

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Topics:Workplace from Meta ESNData Loss Prevention