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The Best Logikcull Alternatives for eDiscovery and Investigations

Logikcull is an eDiscovery software solution that automates and simplifies various aspects of the discovery process, including processing and deduplicating data. Logikcull has native integrations to many popular cloud-based platforms, including Google Vault, Slack, and Microsoft 365 to collect data from source. Logikcull’s search and filtering capabilities help investigators and legal teams quickly cut through large data sets to identify the most relevant documents.

While businesses choose Logikcull for its user-friendly platform and streamlined legal processing, it may not be the right solution for every organization. In this article, we review top Logikcull alternatives so you can make an informed decision about the best discovery software for your needs.


How Logikcull falls short as an eDiscovery solution

Logikcull offers eDiscovery and legal hold automations that boast up to 97% data reduction for less time spent in document review and assessment. However, Logikcull only collects data on an ad-hoc basis in response to active investigations. This can reduce time-to-context and potentially cause modified or deleted content to be omitted from search results. As a result, Logikcull may not be able to provide legal teams with a complete record or context of relevant events.

Logikcull’s pricing model may also be a consideration. Logikcull charges a flat monthly fee on a per-matter basis, plus subscription-based plans for additional features and support. While this may deliver cost savings for data imports compared with per-GP pricing for high-volume teams, reviewers note that it can result in high recurring costs to keep projects active. This could prove especially costly when litigation cases are slow to resolve.

A final consideration when evaluating Logikcull for eDiscovery is its recent acquisition by Reveal. Since the acquisition, Logikcull has been downsized and its website has not been updated since September 2023. This raises obvious questions about the future direction of the company, who now owns the data that Logikcull ingests, and how it is being stored and used. With so much uncertainty surrounding the company’s product strategy and pricing going forward, law firms may think twice before acquiring Logikcull for their organization.


“Logikcull has good tools to find electronic documents. But it is hard to use with our legal software. Sometimes using both messes up our work.”

“Only one instance of Logikcull can be used at a time. Meaning, that if you are reviewing a batch of documents, and find something interesting, you can't simply open a new tab a start a new search, while the existing search remains in place."

"The algorithm does not seem to de-dupe enough. It recognizes every single forwarded or CC'd message as a new file, but they're essentially still duplications."

Top Logikcull alternatives for eDiscovery

Logikcull Alternative: Aware

Aware is a security, governance, and insights platform offering eDiscovery and federated search in digital conversation data sets. Additionally, Aware offers data loss prevention, continuous compliance monitoring, and automated remediation backed by proprietary AI and machine learning models, and people intelligence insights that support and enhance workflows across the enterprise.

Aware connects to major collaboration platforms like Slack, Microsoft Teams and Outlook Exchange and ingests data in real time, capturing a complete record of modifications and deletions, ensuring no context is overlooked or lost. Each message is analyzed by the industry’s most accurate natural language processing (NLP) and scored for sentiment and toxicity for advanced filtering that reduces false positive results.

Aware’s AI-powered metadata supports fast, federated search by multiple parameters from an immutable archive that streamlines all your ESI into a single pane of glass for centralized management and discovery. One-click legal holds preserve data effortlessly, and Aware exports to top eDiscovery formats including Relativity’s RSMF and PDF.

With Aware, legal teams can:

  • Consolidate data in a secure, search-ready state with no hidden costs for storage or ingestion
  • Perform fast, federated search of all collaboration tools from a central platform
  • Get results in minutes, with no waiting for searches to populate and download data
  • Search by multiple parameters and use AI-powered filtering to reveal only relevant data, complete with context
  • Preserve data in place or export in a range of user-friendly formats

Learn More

Aware for DLP

Safeguard your intellectual property with a platform that detects and addresses exposure of sensitive data in real time.

Aware for compliance

Address multiple risks simultaneously with real-time compliance monitoring and information governance with fewer false positives.

Aware for insider threats

Protect your business from malicious, negligent or accidental insider threats with insider threat management that moves as quickly as your organization does.

Aware for content moderation

Control, surface, evaluate, and remove user-created content from across collaboration tools in real time.

Logikcull Alternative: Hanzo

Hanzo is an eDiscovery and compliance software company that offers scalable data collection and legal holds for multiple data types and sources, including collaboration tools like Slack and Google Workspace, plus webpages, forms, and social media platforms. However, Hanzo does not create a continuous record of data, and in fact limits the scope of data imports before ingestion through a process called “dynamic mapping.” This aims to identify the most relevant data upfront, but without complete understanding of the data landscape this could lead to critical information being lost.

This feature points to another potential weakness of Hanzo, as reviewers note that it can struggle to handle large amounts of data and may not be scalable to enterprise-scale volume. Additionally, reviewers feel that Hanzo requires more technical knowledge than other competitors in order to use its platform effectively, and its complex pricing structure can make it difficult to estimate what a search will cost in advance.

Compared with Logikcull, Hanzo is a more targeted solution with fewer integrations and less scalable capabilities. For small teams with limited needs Hanzo may be the most cost-effective solution but Logikcull is likely the better choice for enterprise teams and those with complex case management needs.

Logikcull Alternative: Nextpoint

Nextpoint offers integrated eDiscovery functionality for apps like Slack or Microsoft Teams or manually imported files and data sets. By enabling data imports from multiple sources, Nextpoint can consolidate information into a central document management workflow, accelerating early case assessment. However, Nextpoint only ingests integration data in response to queries, meaning it does not capture a complete contextual record of all messages, modifications, and deletions, which may create gaps in the discovery record.

Nextpoint’s review process also lacks advanced technology assisted review (TAR) features such as AI or machine learning, which can help legal teams to better refine results and quickly identify the most relevant data. Reviewers also note that Nextpoint lacks many customization features, including the ability to change how data storage is organized, how data is displayed on screen, and how folders and files are named.

For organizations performing eDiscovery in large data sets, the lack of TAR functionality may result in Nextpoint being a slower and less efficient solution than Logikcull. However, concerns about the data privacy in Logikcull may be too great for legal teams to overcome.

Logikcull Alternative: Onna

Onna is another Reveal-owned eDiscovery and data management SaaS platform that unifies data from multiple apps and sources to provide eDiscovery, information governance, and LLM augmentation functionality. This broad approach enables Onna to solve multiple use cases beyond eDiscovery for legal, compliance, and security teams.

Like similar products, Onna does not continuously ingest data, introducing risk of data loss in real-time collaboration data sets. The process of batch ingesting data into Onna can also slow investigations and potentially lead to different searches producing different results as new data is added or deleted from the source. Reviewers also note that Onna struggles to handle large amounts of data and some eDiscovery processes may fail midway. Like Nextpoint, Onna also lacks native AI capabilities, reducing the parameters by which it can refine search results.

For organizations seeking a single platform solution for multiple uses cases, including eDiscovery and information governance, Onna’s less specialized solution may be the best product to simplify the tech stack, even at the expense of some lost functionality when compared to Logikcull. However, for teams performing lots of legal work, especially with large data sets, Onna may not be the best choice.

Learn more about Onna capabilities and alternatives.

Logikcull Alternative: Pagefreezer

Pagefreezer is a monitoring and archiving solution that supports eDiscovery workflows through a number of features, including real-time data capture, litigation holds, case matter management, and defensible exports. Users generally note Pagefreezer’s ease of use and implementation.

As Pagefreezer’s primary use case is its archiving service, legal professionals may find that it lacks some functionality for discovering and filtering data offered by competitors. For example, searches are limited to custodian and Pagefreezer’s sentiment analysis is rules-based, not built on NLP technology. This can lead to larger results sets being produced for queries, extending time spent in data review and assessment.

Pagefreezer’s continuous archiving provides a significant advantage over Logikcull’s ad-hoc ingestion, but its functionality to refine and analyze the data it ingests is less granular and may result in longer investigation timescales and higher workloads.

Learn more about Pagefreezer capabilities and alternatives.

Final thoughts

When reviewing if Logikcull is the right eDiscovery solution for your needs, it’s important to keep several key considerations in mind:

  • Would the company be better served by a dedicated eDiscovery solution or a more holistic data management platform?
  • Can the solution perform real-time, continuous data ingestion from multiple different data sets?
  • Does the eDiscovery platform use AI/ML to enhance search and filtering or must all the work be done manually?
  • Is the solution intuitive to use or is there a significant learning curve or prior knowledge required?
  • Is the product scalable with enterprise-volume data or can it only handle information in small batches?

By keeping these considerations and your organization’s eDiscovery goals in mind, you can make the best and most informed decision about which product is right for your needs.