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The Best Netskope Alternatives for Collaboration Tool Compliance

The digital workplace carries new risks for organizations who want to enable their employees while meeting their legal and regulatory obligations. Compliance monitoring for cloud-based tools is an essential component of any security and compliance strategy to minimize risk of fines, penalties, and other regulatory action. This post explores Netskope’s compliance monitoring capabilities in relation to top competitors so you can understand which solution is the best fit for your organization.


What is Netskope?

Netskope cloud security platform helps businesses protect their data and maintain compliance within the digital workplace. Detailed reporting from Netskope provides compliance teams with audit trails to understand when users access noncompliant or high-risk cloud services from company networks and devices.

Netskope's compliance report support a wider range of cloud security tools that help prevent the loss or exfiltration of valuable information from cloud-based applications.

The benefits of using Netskope

Netskope Security Cloud delivers a range of features that support use cases across the enterprise, helping to ensure the security and compliant handling of sensitive and valuable data. Using Netskope, business users can enable:

Cloud Security

That supports FedRAMP, CCPA, ISO 27001, SOC 2 and more.

Data Protection

Helping to enforce compliant data handling for regulated industries.

Threat Protection

To reduce the risk of compliance failures during security incidents.

Secure Remote Work

With granular controls that restrict data availability and visibility.

Compliance Controls

With audit trails to help identify noncompliant activities.

Shadow IT Reduction

Enforcing the use of approved apps that meet compliance standards.

This suite of features enables compliance teams to protect their data in digital environments and allows regulated employees to work effectively with their colleagues as part of a unified security and compliance strategy.

How Netskope falls short as a compliance solution

While Netskope is a widely recognized and effective cloud security platform, it's important to note its limitations and shortcomings, including:

  • Complexity: Netskope’s security platform may be complex for organizations to implement, especially without a dedicated cloud security team in place to manage it. Setting up the right levels of controls to achieve results without creating friction for employees may require a significant time investment.
  • Shadow IT Risk: As a CASB, Netskope can create delays when accessing apps and receiving messages that can degrade the overall user experience. This can incentivize some users to seek out unauthorized shadow IT solutions that may not meet compliance requirements.
  • Lack of Offline Protection: While Netskope can protect data and enforce compliance when accessing online apps and tools, it may not provide full protection when devices are not connected to the internet.
  • False Positives: Security solutions that notify administrators about user behavior may produce false positives as well as legitimate results. Admins must adjust the settings to balance effective compliance controls with the time spent investigating each notification they receive.
  • Limited ML Capabilities: Netskope’s machine learning models rely on keyword matching and optical character recognition (OCR) to identify noncompliant or restricted activity. These methods may be outdated compared with the capabilities of some competitors to analyze sentiment and toxicity for more dynamic compliance monitoring that can counteract attempts by end users to circumvent controls.

These are some of the challenges frequently raised by real Netskope users across third-party review sites.

Netskope reviews

“Implementation of the platform is complex and require expertise. The pricing structure is also complicated and may not be suitable for smaller budgets. Also, as a SaaS platform, it has performance issues sometimes.”

“If we need to allow a process that is blocked by Netskope, we have to manually check the logs to see why it is blocked. This can be time-consuming and inefficient.”

“I found the support from Netskope CASB not to be responsive. There were delays and the customer was not happy because there was some critical issue.”

“Netskope Secure Cloud has steep learning curve for administrators and IT teams who are new to platform, training is necessary to fully understand and configure solution effectively and get maximum productivity.”

“The overall time taken to implement the solution was around six months.”

“Lagging was definitely an issue, especially in the Philippines. I had to disable Netskope for almost all of our Philippino [sic] employees.”

Netskope alternatives for compliance monitoring

Aware for compliance monitoring

Aware is a comprehensive compliance software solution that helps organizations enforce internal, industry, and regulatory requirements in real time. It proactively detects noncompliance by ingesting data across multiple collaboration platforms, using the industry's most accurate AI/ML models to surface sensitive communications that could put your organization at risk of violating HIPAA, HITRUST, FINRA, PCI, GDPR, and more.

Native information governance functionality enables data archiving, bi-directional data removals to aid in DSARs, and granular retention policies. Aware also streamlines compliance coaching and enforces acceptable use policies using automated alerts triggered whenever noncompliance is detected. Backed by proprietary machine learning and AI workflows, Aware delivers 360-degree oversight of the digital collaboration environment and provides admins with a contextual understanding of compliance violations as they occur.

Learn more about Aware for compliance monitoring

OneTrust for compliance monitoring

OneTrust for compliance monitoring helps identify and remediate risk by providing a centralized view of an organization's compliance posture. OneTrust can be used to monitor compliance with a wide range of regulations, including GDPR, CCPA, and HIPAA using tools and frameworks designed for non-technical users concerned with regulatory compliance.

While OneTrust users value the ability to centralize compliance monitoring, including event logging and employee training, in one centralized dashboard, some reviewers feel that the implementation process is too complex, and it is hard to integrate OneTrust with other systems in use.

PingSafe for compliance monitoring

PingSafe offers real-time continuous assessment of cloud assets, enabling organizations to promptly identify and address compliance gaps and monitor trends over time. From PingSafe’s centralized cloud-native application protection platform (CNAPP), admins can understand their compliance posture at a glance and understand where vulnerabilities exist.

PingSafe supports all major compliance standards, including NIST, MITRE, CIS, PCI-DSS, HIPAA, and RBI Compliance, and offers personalized compliance guidance and recommendations to help organizations achieve and maintain compliance effectively. However, PingSafe’s primary focus is on cloud infrastructure security and compliance, and it lacks oversight into user behavior within everyday workplace tools and applications.

Riskonnect for compliance monitoring

Riskonnect helps organizations streamline compliance tasks across various frameworks, including internal policies and external regulations. It offers a centralized view of an organization's compliance posture, enabling real-time identification and mitigation of compliance risks. Additionally, Riskonnect's compliance monitoring solution can be integrated with existing third-party systems to streamline data collection and analysis.

As with PingSafe, Riskconnect’s ability to streamline and automate compliance adherence is primarily focused on analysis of technology infrastructure, not end user behavior.

TrustArc for compliance monitoring

TrustArc enables organizations to maintain compliance with various regulations and internal standard by providing a centralized view of their compliance posture, allowing for real-time monitoring and proactive risk mitigation.

TrustArc's compliance monitoring solution incorporates multiple capabilities to streamline compliance management. It continuously monitors an organization's data, policies, and procedures to identify potential compliance gaps and automates many compliance tasks, such as policy reviews and assessments, to reduce manual effort and improve efficiency.

Reviewers note, however, that TrustArc is “not always reliable,” and support can be slow to resolve issues. Additionally, TrustArc’s dashboard lacks analytic depth and common features like A/B testing.

Aware: An all-in-one solution for collaboration tool compliance, security, insider threat, and DLP

Using the Aware platform, organizations can take charge of collaboration tools like Slack, Microsoft Teams, and Zoom, addressing top challenges like data loss prevention (DLP), compliance adherence, and insider risk prevention from a centralized governance platform designed for this unique dataset.

Why real users trust Aware:

  • “Ability to run quick searches across the enterprise is awesome, even if msg was deleted.”
  • “The ability to keep a pulse on employee conversation sentiment has been valuable.”
  • “Love being able to pull the exact same report month to month.”
  • “Customer support has been amazing!”
  • “No complaints while using this software program.”
Read more Aware reviews


Learn more about Aware

Aware for Data Loss Prevention (DLP)

  • Quickly identify sensitive or valuable information in sprawling datasets
  • Take real-time action to prevent data loss incidents
  • Deploy automated workflows and customizable policies to protect data 24/7

Aware for Federated Search & Discovery

  • Searchable archives put your data at your fingertips
  • Filter by a wide range of parameters, including custodian, date, sentiment and more
  • Get a contextual overview of every message to understand the full situation

Aware for Content Moderation

  • Take centralized control of your collaboration stack from a single platform
  • Build granular controls based on your company’s specific needs
  • Supports all major compliance regulations, including FINRA, HIPAA, HITRUST, GDPR, PCI

Aware for Data Management & Governance

  • Gain true understanding of the scale and scope of collaboration data
  • Reduce false positives by normalizing results for your organization’s unique environment
  • Real-time analysis identifies suspicious activity as it occurs

Understand what your employees are saying

Take a human-first approach to compliance, governance, and security by elevating the employee voice and building a culture that supports its people and protects its data.

With Aware, organizations can identify areas of increased risk by shining a light into hidden corners of collaboration where negativity and toxicity proliferate. Aware’s proprietary NLP and ML technology empowers leaders to react in real time to shifts in company culture, ensuring a safer, happier workplace for all.

Learn more about Aware for employee experience

Unify governance and minimize noncompliance with one solution

With Aware, workspace admins can streamline information security, compliance, and employee experience across their collaboration tools via a unified, centralized platform. Request a demo today to learn more.