For IT & Collaboration Owners
Deliver safe, secure collaboration while satisfying the needs of stakeholders across the business

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Improve your risk posture with a purpose-built solution for collaboration

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Scale, orchestrate and streamline your eDiscovery process for employee collaboration
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Establish a proactive approach to collaboration compliance and information governance

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Harness insights from surveys and collaboration data to transform the employee experience

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Aware is a contextual intelligence platform that identifies and reduces risk, strengthens security and compliance, and uncovers real-time business insights from digital conversations at scale.

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AI-powered universal search purpose-built for collaboration. Find information and surfaces the full story—faster.

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Automatically capture authentic human signals from modern collaboration to support your most valuable asset.

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How Aware customers streamline operations, reduce risk, and boost productivity

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by Aware

How many digital tools, apps, and platforms are in use across your organization today? How many devices connected to your network? Acceptable Use Policies (AUPs) provide comprehensive guidelines on what …

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Topics:Compliance AdherenceInformation Security

by Aware

Insider risk places a unique burden on information security officers because the threat actors exist behind the secure perimeter that shields confidential and sensitive data from outsiders. While threat-hunting internally …

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Topics:Slack MessagingInsider RiskInformation Security

by Aware

Collaboration tools like Slack, Teams, and Zoom empower employees to work more effectively, but their tangled datasets present a new nightmare for compliance officers. Here’s how three compliance leaders have …

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Topics:Compliance AdherenceEnterprise CollaborationInformation Security

by Aware

Collaboration tools like Slack, Teams, and Webex were designed to make it faster and easier for employees to share information and work collaboratively. But they also make it easier for …

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Topics:Enterprise CollaborationInformation SecurityData Loss Prevention

by Aware

First Published Jul. 2023. Updated Jun. 2024. Efficient communication and collaboration are vital aspects of running a successful business. Cisco Webex offers a range of features to facilitate virtual meetings, …

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Topics:Cisco Webex MessagingInsider RiskInformation Security

by Aware

First Published Jun. 2023. Updated May 2024. Microsoft Teams is a leading collaboration tool used by businesses to streamline communication and enhance productivity. But does Teams secure sensitive and proprietary …

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Topics:Compliance AdherenceMicrosoft Teams InsightsInformation SecurityData Loss Prevention

by Aware

Information security is an ever-present challenge in the digital workplace, and never more so than in collaboration tools like Slack. In this blog post, we explore the security measures Slack …

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Topics:Slack MessagingInformation Security

by Aware

First Published May. 2023. Updated Mar. 2024. Google Drive is a popular cloud storage application. But how secure is Google Drive? In this blog post, we explore the security aspects …

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Topics:Google Drive SecurityInformation Security

by Aware

First Published Mar. 2023. Updated Jun. 2024. Since the onset of the pandemic, Zoom's instant messaging and video conferencing platform has changed the way remote and distributed teams work — …

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Topics:Compliance AdherenceEnterprise CollaborationZoom Team Chat AppRecords Retention/Information GovernanceInformation SecurityData Loss Prevention

by Aware

Aware’s De-Risking Collaboration Webinar Series explores people as the perimeter of your successful infosec strategy Securing your company’s most valuable information used to be simple. Only commit essential knowledge to …

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Topics:Compliance AdherenceEnterprise CollaborationInsider RiskInformation SecurityData Loss Prevention

by Aware

How do modern IT leaders cut through the tangled mess of siloed datasets to surface risks in Slack messages? Innovative organizations of all sizes use collaboration tools like Slack to …

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Topics:Compliance AdherenceSlack MessagingInformation SecurityData Loss Prevention

by Aware

Slack provides massive value to the modern company, but its siloed datasets also present new risks Collaboration platforms like Slack have revolutionized the modern enterprise. They break down silos between …

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Topics:Slack MessagingRecords Retention/Information GovernanceInformation SecurityData Loss Prevention