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How Aware customers streamline operations, reduce risk, and boost productivity

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by Aware

Sentiment analysis uses natural language processing (NLP) technology to interpret employee emotions and opinions through gathered data and employee feedback to gauge the overall mood and culture within an organization …

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Topics:Google Drive Security

by Aware

Google Workspace is one of the most widely used cloud-based productivity and collaboration tools. It offers the flexibility and communication-sharing features companies of all sizes need to keep up with …

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Topics:Google Drive Security

by Aware

Electronic discovery is the process of identifying, collecting, and presenting electronically stored information (ESI) for litigation, regulatory compliance, or other investigations. In this post, we’ll explore the tools available for …

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Topics:Google Drive SecurityeDiscovery

by Aware

First Published Sept. 2023. Updated Mar. 2024. Google Workspace productivity tools serve the needs of businesses of all sizes, but adoption of digital workplace tools comes with exponential growth of …

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Topics:Google Drive SecurityeDiscovery

by Aware

First Published Nov. 2023. Updated Mar. 2024. Data is one of your organization’s greatest assets and biggest liabilities. Google Workspace provides a comprehensive suite of DLP software to help businesses …

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Topics:Google Drive SecurityData Loss Prevention

by Aware

First Published Oct. 2023. Updated Apr. 2024. Data security and compliance are especially important when dealing with sensitive healthcare information. Ensuring that your business tools and platforms adhere to regulatory …

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Topics:Compliance AdherenceGoogle Drive Security

by Aware

A popular cloud storage solution with widespread adoption, Google Drive provides a user-friendly, convenient way for businesses to enable collaborative, asynchronous work between employees. As organizations increasingly rely on Google …

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Topics:Google Drive SecurityeDiscovery

by Aware

In an always-online world, data security and compliance are critical considerations for businesses and organizations, especially those in the healthcare industry. HIPAA sets the standard for protecting sensitive patient information …

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Topics:Compliance AdherenceGoogle Drive Security

by Aware

First Published May. 2023. Updated Mar. 2024. Google Drive is a popular cloud storage application. But how secure is Google Drive? In this blog post, we explore the security aspects …

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Topics:Google Drive SecurityInformation Security

by Aware

Data loss prevention (DLP) is a critical security measure for modern businesses working in off-prem cloud applications such as Google Drive. But does Google Drive support DLP functionality, and are …

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Topics:Enterprise CollaborationGoogle Drive SecurityData Loss Prevention

by Aware

Aware is excited to announce its latest integration partner, Google. The monitoring application in the Aware platform now enhances Google Drive for data loss prevention, compliance adherence and more. Data …

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Topics:Compliance AdherenceProduct ReleaseGoogle Drive SecurityData Loss Prevention