For IT & Collaboration Owners
Deliver safe, secure collaboration while satisfying the needs of stakeholders across the business

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Improve your risk posture with a purpose-built solution for collaboration

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Scale, orchestrate and streamline your eDiscovery process for employee collaboration
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Harness insights from surveys and collaboration data to transform the employee experience

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Secure Collaboration with Free Resources for Legal Officers from Aware

by Aware

Take control of your collaboration tools and learn how to protect your organization with free resources for legal officers from Aware.

Collaboration tools like Slack, Microsoft Teams and Yammer, and Workplace from Meta, provide value across the board for modern organizations. Businesses that use collaboration enjoy greater productivity, faster innovation, and shorter sales cycles.

Leadership and employees alike have embraced collaboration. But legal officers see the risks that others might miss. How do you sign off on collaboration adoption while still protecting the company?

80% of employees admit to using unauthorized IT solutions.

Prohibiting the use of collaboration tools isn’t feasible. Employees frequently resort to “shadow IT” — unsanctioned programs — when denied access to tools that make work more efficient. Instead, it falls on legal officers to find ways to green light collaboration for the organization.

How do you perform legal holds, eDiscovery, or early case analysis on this dataset? How do you make informed decisions about risk vs. the value of collaboration information? How do you gain oversight and control when Slack users are sending upward of 1000 messages per day?

For legal officers, collaboration is the new email, the next frontier in digital liability and security. The complex nature of this dataset makes securing it daunting but not impossible.

At Aware, securing collaboration is what we do. We’ve worked with legal officers to identify the risks and liabilities facing modern organizations. Our platform establishes guardrails across top collaboration tools that enable legal officers take control of this new dataset. The free resources below explain how you can secure your collaboration data and protect your organization from the risks it contains.

Your Legal Operations Checklist for Enterprise Collaboration

What risks lurk in collaboration data? And what controls do legal officers need to implement to mitigate those risks? In this legal operations checklist, Aware explores the technology solutions that support legal officers as they get to grips with collaboration tools.

Uncover the controls and guardrails available to manage and moderate collaboration. Understand the impact of each solution on the security of your data stack. And dive deeper into how artificial intelligence and machine learning can streamline and simplify the work of legal officers, making collaboration control more accessible than ever before.

Stop Wasting Time and Money in Legal Discovery: Start with Insights from Your Digital Workplace

On any given workday, an organization of 20,000 generates an average of 4 million collaboration messages. Given the scale of this dataset, how do legal officers perform effective, timely eDiscovery? When investigations arise, carrying massive amounts of data becomes risky and expensive.

Successful eDiscovery isn’t just about finding a needle in a haystack — it’s about understanding the context surrounding the results. But in collaboration tools, that context can reside in multiple public and private channels and group and direct messages simultaneously, making it extremely complex to extract.

The answer is insights-as-a-service platforms that contextualize collaboration data in real time, providing foundational understanding of its contents before the need for eDiscovery arises. Read the article to learn more about topic reporting and conversation health analysis, and why they’re the legal officer’s secret weapon for preforming eDiscovery in digital workspaces.

The eDiscovery Gap You Aren’t Thinking About, Where Context is King

Legal officers must be prepared to perform eDiscovery wherever employees communicate, and that includes within complex collaboration datasets. Courts and regulators have made it clear they expect organizations to meet these demands and aren’t sympathetic to the burden this places on the enterprise.

That means legal officers must act immediately to institute appropriate guardrails throughout the collaboration environment. Aware breaks down the key considerations of eDiscovery in collaboration and where to start safeguarding collaboration tools.

The Role of UEBA in Managing Workplace Insider Threats

User and entity behavior analytics (UEBA) is a cybersecurity measure that uses context to identify unusual patterns of behavior. This is a vital tool for legal officers seeking to uncover instances of insider risk, both malicious and negligent.

The digital workplace has opened new doors for data exfiltration and made it harder than ever to identify when sensitive information is compromised. UEBA tools can enhance oversight to aid in uncovering instances of anomalous activity. Learn more now.

Yes. You Should Know What Employees Are Saying in Private Messages.

Data privacy is big news and employees are increasingly aware that they could be monitored by their workplaces. For businesses that value transparency and seek to cultivate high-trust environments, reducing employee listening seems beneficial. But monitoring workplace collaboration messages is vital to ensuring a safe, secure environment for all employees.

Ignorance does not absolve employers from liability. If risky behavior exists within collaboration environments, organizations need to tackle it. That means legal officers need to be proactive about seeking it out before it becomes a problem for the enterprise. Monitoring and moderating collaboration messages is mission-critical to protecting employees and the enterprise, and the right guardrails make collaboration safer and more productive for everybody.

Aligning Legal and IT Departments Behind Collaboration Data Governance

In the digital workplace, legal officers need support from their IT colleagues to understand the scope of the collaboration environment. Equally, IT leaders need support from their legal counterparts to get to grips with the extent of risk that environment presents. Together, legal and IT can align behind the right solutions to take control of collaboration and unlock its potential for the entire organization. Download the whitepaper to learn more.

Collaborative Data Governance: Aligning Legal, IT, and Infosec

Topics:Compliance AdherenceEnterprise Collaboration