For IT & Collaboration Owners
Deliver safe, secure collaboration while satisfying the needs of stakeholders across the business

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Improve your risk posture with a purpose-built solution for collaboration

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Scale, orchestrate and streamline your eDiscovery process for employee collaboration
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Establish a proactive approach to collaboration compliance and information governance

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Harness insights from surveys and collaboration data to transform the employee experience

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Aware is a contextual intelligence platform that identifies and reduces risk, strengthens security and compliance, and uncovers real-time business insights from digital conversations at scale.

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AI-powered universal search purpose-built for collaboration. Find information and surfaces the full story—faster.

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Automatically capture authentic human signals from modern collaboration to support your most valuable asset.

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How Aware customers streamline operations, reduce risk, and boost productivity

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by Aware

The ability to preserve and retain data in collaboration tools like Slack is essential for organizations responding to legal actions or performing early case assessment. In this article, we review …

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Topics:Slack Messaging

by Aware

A massive number of messages are shared between employees across collaboration tools every day, and any of those messages can become significant to a legal investigation. This article explores how …

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by Aware

Microsoft Purview, first launched as Azure Data Catalog, is a data governance software solution organizations can use to manage their data across multiple on-premises and multi-cloud-based platforms. In this post, …

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Topics:Microsoft Teams Insights

by Aware

Electronic discovery is the process of identifying, collecting, and presenting electronically stored information (ESI) for litigation, regulatory compliance, or other investigations. In this post, we’ll explore the tools available for …

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Topics:Google Drive SecurityeDiscovery

by Aware

The digital transformation of the modern workplace brought with it new ways of communicating and collaborating. Tools like Slack offer immeasurable benefits to the company that can harness them safely …

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Topics:Slack Messaging

by Aware

Data loss prevention encompasses the tools and processes that protect sensitive, restricted, or regulated company data. DLP software supports these processes by analyzing data-in-place to identify policy violations and block …

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Topics:Data Loss Prevention

by Aware

Where did the inspiration for Aware come from? And what have the co-founders learned along the way? The Tech Tribune sat down with Jeff Schumann, Matt Huber, and Shawn Domer …

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Topics:Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning

by Aware

Electronic discovery might have been around since the 1960s, but legal teams still grapple with shifting from a reactive to proactive state. The result is investigations that are scattered, expensive, …

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by Aware

Slack is a popular tool used by many healthcare organizations to support workplace collaboration across a wide range of versatile applications. But is it a safe repository for protected health …

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Topics:Compliance AdherenceSlack Messaging

by Aware

First Published Feb. 2024. Updated May. 2024. Ensuring regulatory compliance in collaboration tools like Microsoft Teams is no longer a nice-to-have. With the rise in remote work, and fines for …

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Topics:Compliance AdherenceMicrosoft Teams Insights

by Aware

Aware was once again on site for Legalweek to learn how the industry is adapting to new technology and leveraging it to streamline discovery processes. This year, AI was everywhere, …

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by Aware

Slack is an integral part of many workplaces, making it essential that legal and internal investigations teams have the capacity to perform eDiscovery in its complex network of channels and …

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Topics:Slack MessagingeDiscovery