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How to Use Enterprise Collaboration to Get the Most Out of Your Contingent Workers

by Aware

Today’s workforce is striving for more variety and flexibility in their careers, resulting in a growing number of independent workers. And when a company needs a one-off or specialized project completed, contingent workers are a great solution.


Benefits of Hiring Contingent Workers

Evaluate and Recruit the Best Talent

In 2015, almost 40% of companies said they found their best talent through contingent workers. Contingent workers can even be hired on a contract-to-hire basis, allowing you to validate the value they will bring your team before making any permanent decisions. 

They Provide Their Own Benefits

By embracing contingent work, you save your company time and money. Contingent workers don't require sick days, health benefits or vacation time, and you don’t need to spend time or money on-boarding with HR or handling payroll.

Perfect for Miscellaneous Work

When you need a project completed, but don’t need a full-time employee to do it, contingent workers are there for you. This solutions delivers value to your company without adding the burden of another salary package.

Common Challenges for Contingent Workers

Contingent workers are just that—contingent. In many organizations, contingent workers do not go through the formal on-boarding process that longer-term employees experience.

This can result in unclear expectations for new employees, making it difficult for the new worker to understand the culture and how work gets done, causing a feeling of separation from the rest of your team and potentially hindered productivity.

How to Use Enterprise Collaboration to Integrate Contingent Workers into Your Workforce

It's widely known that tools like Workplace by Facebook, Microsoft Teams, or Yammer simplify communications between all employees. However, contingent workers stand to gain even more benefit.

  • Faster time-to-knowledge reduces the time spent seeking answers, and more time delivering valuable work.
  • Conversational, one-to-one messages allow contingent employees to build relationships with teammates and cross-functional colleagues.
  • Connecting dispersed teams give contingent workers access to a broader network and more resources. 

When you communicate well with your contingent workers, they not only feel more valued and connected to your own team, but they are also able to deliver better, more efficient results. Here are a few ways your enterprise can solve these challenges with an enterprise collaboration solution:

Encourage Relationship Building

The research is clear, stronger professional relationships lead to a more productive team. Many organizations cultivate connections between employees through special interest groups on platforms like Workplace by Facebook. Examples of these groups could be space to discuss favorite TV shows, pets or sports teams.

These seemingly non-professional topics open the door for any employee—including contingent workers—to find common ground with colleagues. Then, when the time comes to solve a business challenge, a stronger foundational rapport is established. 

Share Your Company Culture

While these employees may not be long-term, taking the time to share insight into your company’s culture in public and private groups offers contingent employees a better appreciation and understanding for your organization. 

Create Space for Workers to Share Their Expertise

Contingent workers often possess specialized skills that help solve a specific business challenge. This provides the perfect opportunity for your full-time employees to learn from industry experts. Public and private groups are great forums for these workers to share industry news, tips or general best practices with the greater employee community.

This really benefits both parties—contingent workers are revered as subject matter experts, while full-time employees can grow their current skillsets and offer even more long-term value to their employer.


Download the Executive's Guide to Choosing a Collaboration Platform

Bring your contingent workers into your organization when you choose adn adopt a collaboration platform that is best suited to your organization's needs. Download our guide to see how you can choose the best platform and unleash full collaboration in your enterprise.

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Topics:Enterprise Collaboration