For IT & Collaboration Owners
Deliver safe, secure collaboration while satisfying the needs of stakeholders across the business

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Harness insights from surveys and collaboration data to transform the employee experience

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Introducing Aware Spotlight: Insights & Trends for Collaboration

by Aware

Aware announced its much-anticipated insights and trends product today, offering enterprises a deep view and real-time understanding of employee sentiment, conversation health, behavioral trends and other anomalous activity within collaboration platforms such as Workplace from Meta, Microsoft Teams, Yammer and Slack.

Aware’s Spotlight gives enterprise leaders the tools to measure and understand the impact of decisions on their employee population. By using Spotlight to track collective changes in mood or behavior over time, leaders can pinpoint when areas begin to trend negatively (or positively) or identify other anomaly areas that need attention. Spotlight also provides the ability to report on key terms, phrases and hashtags, as well as a proprietary KPI to compare sentiment across campaigns, helping enterprise leaders further demonstrate the ROI and effectiveness of initiatives.

"Spotlight offers our customers a better way to make sense of the robust conversation data within collaboration,” said Matt Pasternack, Chief Product Officer at Aware. “Our insights go beyond quantitative metrics, empowering users to make more effective decisions, faster.”

Spotlight is the latest addition to Aware’s existing suite of data governance and risk management solutions that global companies such as AstraZeneca, Oxfam International and Wipro rely on and trust.

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Make faster decisions with greater certainty using Spotlight from Aware. Request a demo to learn more.

Aware’s comprehensive platform solves common challenges that legal, compliance, information security and human resource departments face when implementing collaboration technology. Solutions include collaboration-centric archiving, monitoring, DLP, eDiscovery, retention and legal holds—within a single, centralized view across all collaboration networks. Internal communications leaders also benefit from features in Aware that streamline cumbersome tasks, such as automated community management, sentiment analysis—and now the insights and trends that business units increasingly request as a way to improve their own team operations.

Aware leverages its own proprietary NLP in all areas of its products, built and trained specifically for enterprise collaboration conversations. The model is comparable to the human-benchmark for scoring collaboration message sentiment—which significantly outperforms other leading enterprise sentiment models currently on the market.

“Our vision is always to create value for the enterprise by way of collaboration data,” said Jeff Schumann, CEO at Aware. “While our risk management solutions remove common concerns, Spotlight offers tangible insights, important trends, and an accurate behavior analysis that gives leaders the necessary tools to help their organization truly thrive.”

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Enhance security and support your company culture with real-time insights that put your people first, only from Aware.

Topics:Artificial Intelligence/Machine LearningEnterprise CollaborationProduct Release